Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratories (PMELs)

Goldbelt C6 provides efficient, effective, high quality metrology and calibration services to the United States Air Force. We currently staff six (6) Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratories (PMELs) with highly-skilled personnel who ensure the Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) meets safety, accuracy, reliability, and traceability requirements in order to provide our customers the capability to verify proper operation of aircraft and airfield support systems. Goldbelt C6 provides this support under our PMEL IDIQ contract.
Our SMEs calibrate, troubleshoot, and repair TMDE (including base-level laboratory standards) to establish traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology using USAF technical data. We manage laboratory workflow to minimize Turnaround Time (TAT) in all measurement disciplines, to include electronic, electro-mechanical, frequency, time-domain, microwave, voltage, current, power, temperature/humidity, physical, dimensional, and optical TMDE. Goldbelt C6 designates internal quality personnel who perform quality reviews (end-of-line) and process reviews (over-the-shoulder) to ensure calibration viability. We document process effectiveness and continuously monitor data for negative trends.